Friday 30 September 2011

Don't be such a TWeeT!


Hi there, again,

On this post I would like to share some thoughts on the microblogging revolution of twitter. Yes, unlike the first blog where I was talking about blogs in general, twitter takes a 'micro' form of blogging where the user is allowed to make short text posts, share photos and links to other media etc through their internet enabled devices.

I personally have had a twitter account for about a year now, but have barely used it as non of my friends were users at the time, and I found that I quickly got bored of the endless and sometimes nonsensical babble and posts that my favourite celebrities and sports stars whom I followed seemed to emit...and I didnt want their brilliance in their occupation to be tarnished by what their personalities were like..

However, I am not surprised by its popularity on this side of the world, compared to my more reserved and less expressive community in East Africa, as the technology is more accessible here and society is more open..

A usefulness I found for twitter though was through following some of the organisations I had interests in such as schools, businesses and teams in order to gain updates on their status.

Though it is still not enough to convince me to become a regular user - YET :-)

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