Friday 30 September 2011

Welcome to the BloGGoSphere!!!!


as you know this is my first post, therefore I would like to take a moment to share my relatively new experience on blogging.

I first got hooked to the trend some time last year in high school where I was taking the course Information technology in a Global Society. I thought it would be useful to get to know what a 'blog' was as it was a term I frequently heard but never actually got to see until I entered the classroom and the teacher wrote the link down to his course blog.

After typing the URL in the address bar - I was transported to the world of ITGS, as the blog provided tons of resources such as student discussions on current trends and technologies in IT, links to web news sites, informative videos, and even the tasks that we would be doing throughout the course.

This highlights some of the advantages of blogger, a way of organizing your resources in an easy way that enables you to communicate and share information in an appealing and efficient manner.

This is aided by the ability of one to personalize the layout, images and colors and other aesthetics to suit their needs and attract their niche audience, the thousands of gadgets available through blogger itself and other third parties which allows you to share media, integrate other social networking services such as email, facebook, twitter, rss etc.

An example of interesting blogs I came across were:

The Trent Arthur Blog – which was a useful means of keeping up to date with the happenings around campus and Peterborough in an interesting perspective, as well as it serving as a portal to other organisations on campus such as the TCSA and the seasoned spoon.

The Trent African and Carribean Student Union also have their blog which was also a nice way of updating myself of past and upcoming events and announcements.

As a Mac Owner, I was happy to add 9to5 mac to my all-star blog roster as I am always eager to learn about what Steve Jobs and his macGeeks have cooking in their California labs.

The many advantages of blogs over traditional forms such as newspapers and magazines include the fact that they are free (all you need is an internet connection), one can access it from any device and from any location in the world where the connection is available, and that there are more (unique) options and variety of blogs out there (152 million blogs est. in 2010!)

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